(continued from Message Defaults)

Service Option Amenities

In Adding a Supplier, Supplier amenities were attached at Supplier level. This screen gives the opportunity to attach Service Option-specific amenities.

Amenities Available

This column lists those amenities that have been set up in the Code Maint Module which are not attached to the Supplier or Service.

Screen Shot 71: Add New Option Wizard – Group Service Amenities Screen

Amenities Attached

This column lists those amenities which are already attached to the Supplier or Service Option. Those amenities preceded by ‘O’ are Service Option Specific; those amenities preceded by ‘S’ are Supplier specific.

To move an amenity from the Left Hand list to the Amenities Attached column, click this button.

To move an amenity from the Amenities Attached list back to the Amenities Available list, click this button.

Amenities can only be moved back to the Amenities Available list from the application that they were attached – e.g., to move a Supplier attached amenity back to the Available list cannot be done from within this screen. It must be done at the supplier level.


To continue setting up the Service, click the ‘Forward’ button on the Wizard bar. This will display the Policies Screen.


To cancel setting up the Service click the ‘Exit’ button on the Wizard bar.


If any item on previous screens needs correcting, use the ‘Back’ button on the Wizard bar

(continued in Product-Specific Policies)